
1. Clash概述


2. 软件安装

2.1 Windows

  • 访问Clash的GitHub Release页面(,下载最新版本的Windows安装包。
  • 解压下载的压缩包,运行其中的可执行文件即可启动Clash。

2.2 macOS

  • 使用Homebrew进行安装:

brew install clash

- 通过命令行启动Clash:


### 2.3 Linux

- 下载对应Linux版本的安装包,并解压。
- 在终端中运行Clash可执行文件。

### 2.4 iOS和Android

- 在App Store或Google Play商店搜索Clash,下载安装即可。

## 3. 使用教程

### 3.1 配置代理

- 打开Clash软件,在配置页面添加代理服务器信息。
- 配置代理模式、规则等参数。

### 3.2 启动代理

- 完成代理配置后,在Clash主界面启动代理即可。

### 3.3 其他功能

- Clash还提供了规则编辑、代理节点延迟测试等功能,用户可以根据需求进行设置。

## 4. 常见问题解答

### 4.1 Clash无法启动怎么办?

- 确保已按照正确的步骤安装Clash,并检查防火墙设置。

### 4.2 如何在Clash中添加自定义规则?

- 在Clash配置页面中,找到规则部分,可以添加自定义规则的链接地址。

### 4.3 Clash支持哪些代理协议?

- Clash支持HTTP、SOCKS5、VMess、Shadowsocks等多种代理协议。

## FAQ

### How to configure Clash for specific websites?

You can configure Clash to use specific proxy servers or rules for certain websites by utilizing the rules section in the configuration page. By adding the domain of the website and the corresponding proxy server or rule, Clash will apply the configuration when accessing the specified websites.

### Can Clash be used for bypassing geo-restrictions?

Yes, Clash can be used to bypass geo-restrictions by connecting to proxy servers located in different regions. By routing your traffic through these proxy servers, you can access content that may be restricted in your current location.

### Is it possible to use Clash with other VPN services?

Clash can be used alongside other VPN services. By configuring Clash to use the upstream proxy feature, you can route your traffic through another VPN service before it reaches Clash, allowing for additional layers of security and privacy.

### How to troubleshoot connection issues with Clash?

If you encounter connection issues with Clash, you can start by checking the configuration of your proxy servers and rules. Additionally, ensure that your network connection is stable and that there are no conflicts with other network-related software on your device.